NiFe 60/40 K has a few benefits compare to other “FeNi” types because of improvements, such as: weldable with very low current, copper coated core wire and a powerful arc at very low amps.
Preheating is normally done to slow down the cooling speed, in case you can not control the cooling speed it is better to keep the work peace at a low temperature during welding and hammer immediately after welding.
Spheroidal cast iron, deluted cast iron, old cast iron, steel to cast iron etc. EN 1561: EN-GJL-100 (GG10) till EN-GJL-350 (GG35), EN 1562: EN-GJMB-350 (GTS 35) till EN-GJMB-550 (GTS 55), EN- GJMW-350 (GTW 35) till EN- GJMW-550 (GTW 55), EN1563: EN-GJS-400 (GGG 40) till EN-GJS-700 (GGG 70).